The Effects of Treatment using the Color DNA (Difference New Acupuncture) on Reducing Edema
The study subjects was intended to test the greater effect that a combination of legs meridian massage and applied color DNA-pro on the foot main meridian points provided at the same time had on reducing calf size and the edema of the lower body than the legs meridian massage alone.
For this purpose, 18 career women in their 20s and 30s who understand the purpose of the study and agree to participate in the test, working in the same working environment for more than 8 hours a day, were selected as the subject for this study to be recorded and measured in the volumeter filled with a given quantity. 9 persons the overflown water of whose right and left legs was more than 2,000 ml was selected as the experimental group, who was provided with the total 30 minutes of Holistic Meridian practice composed of massage on the foot color DNA-pro for 10 minutes, massage on the back of the leg and the front of the leg twice a week. The experimental group was provided with 12 rounds of massage for 6 weeks. The control group was provided with 12 rounds of the same Meridian practice as the experimental group for 6 weeks. As a result, the control group had a slight decrease of calves size and edema. The experimental group showed reducing calves size and edema more than control group. Therefore, this study found that Holistic Meridian massage and color DNA induces a beneficial effect on the body physiologically and reduces calves size and edema. It means that a more continuous color DNA management seems to affect improvement in skin and the constant studies on the development and the us of objective and quantitative equipments are required to examine mechanism between body meridian points and colors.
1. 연구대상
2. 연구기간
3. 연구방법
연구결과 및 고찰
1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성
2. 종아리 둘레 변화
3. 볼륨 미터기를 통한 물이 넘치는 양 변화
감사의 글