


장애인 체육에 대한 분석적 고찰


An Analytic Study on the Physical Education for the Disabled

신현석, 김지혁

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, there have been continuous indications of issues about physical education which have direct relationship to health improvement and living quality. These issues are surfaced with education and mobile rights for persons with disability. The policy of disability sports must be based on the ability of administration. Substantial ability of administration must be followed by clear understanding of people with disability, discussions and public ownerships of physical education philosophy, and thorough practice. Although the controlling government office had been changed from the Health and Welfare Department to the Culture, Sport and Tourism Department to overcome the organizational limitation and adapting the fast changing society, disability sport organizations contains insufficient factors to meet the need of disability sport environment. Therefore, to fullfill roles of organizations and policies, following schemes are needed.
Firstly, physical education activities have an important meaning as activity itself. Disability sport activity is a right which has intrinsic quality to improve life. To achieve this purpose, disability sport organization must be handled by efficient and effective department and need to be extended. At regional government organization, there has been a severe shortage of personal to handle disability sport. Secondly, A unit of disability sport must be professionalized. Enough fund must be prepared to support cultivating physical education association. To achieve these goals, national government organization must provide personal and material to make a base of extensional stratum through supporting various physical activity programs, efficient funding, systematical management of organization. Thirdly, The most important factor in disability sport is establishing an infrastructure which is facilitating activity. Even with all the positive changing in this field, sport facilities for persons with disability is still not enough. To resolve this, recognizing public ownership of existing facilities is necessary. Disability sport organization need to find ways to make existing facility as disability friendly facility. Further, when it need to add more facility, there must be an effort to supplement. In addition to structural establishment, complex infrastructure such as raising disability sport leader development of various disability sport program is also needed.


 I. 서론
 II. 장애인 재활에서 체육의 역할
  1. 체육의 역할
 III. 장애인 체육의 유형 분석
  1. 정체육(Corrective Physical Education)
  2. 적응체육(Adapted Physical Education)
 IV. 장애인 체육 프로그램
  1. 지체장애인 체육 프로그램
  2. 지적장애인 체육 프로그램
 V. 장애인 체육의 한계점 
  1. 장애인체육지도자 양성문제
  2. 체육시설의 문제
  3. 장애인경기 기회의 부족
  4. 장애인체육 여건 문제
  5. 장애인체육 재정의 부족
 VI. 장애인 체육의 개선방안


  • 신현석 Shin, Hyun-suk. 경남정보대학 사회복지과
  • 김지혁 Kim, Chi-Hyok. 경남정보대학 물리치료과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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