

'상품 정보 기사'의 언어학적 분석: 장르분석과 비평적 담화분석의 관점을 중심으로


A Linguistic Analysis of "Products Information Reportage": From the Perspectives of Genre Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lee, Won Pyo. 2012. A Linguistic Analysis of "Products Information Reportage": From the Perspectives of Genre Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 37-4, 949-993. This paper seeks to explore the linguistic and discoursal realizations as well as the hybrid nature of "products information reportage", a relatively new genre in Korean newspapers, within the framework of "genre analysis" (Swales 1990; Bhatia 2005; Halmari & Virtanen 2005) and "critical discourse analysis" (Fairclough 1992). On the macro-level, the present analysis examines the 'layout', 'headlines', and 'discourse and move-structure' of the new genre, and shows that despite some apparent similarities between the new genre and 'news reportage󰡑in non-linguistic elements such as photos, and general structure of story proper, there are also noticeable differences in titles, subtitles and the function of the first paragraphs of the articles between the two genres. The move-structure is suggested to be composed of seven main discourse categories, including 'providing background', 'introducing a particular product', 'providing detailed information on the product', and 'emphasizing the merits/excellence of the products'. On the micro-level, this paper analyzes rhetorical structure and linguistic/rhetorical features of the new genre. In terms of rhetorical structure theory (Mann & Thompson 1988), pragmatic relations such as 'background', 'antithesis', and 'evidence', through which "speakers or writers apparently have the intention of bringing about a change in opinion, position or behavior of readers or listeners" (Renkema 2004: 110), are found between the clauses/sentences in the genre. In addition, the genre turns out to have some linguistic/rhetorical characteristics as well, which manifest clearly in the uses of direct quotations, questions/self-responses, and textual and interactional metadiscourse markers, metaphor, etc. Based on comparison between the results of this paper and the findings of Bell (1991) and Bhatia (2005) on news reportage and advertisements respectively, and the "intertextuality" between the 'products information reportage' and the real advertisements in the same newspapers, this paper suggests that 'products information reportage' has a hybrid nature, revealing more similarities with 'advertisements' rather than 'news reportage'. This article concludes with some discussion on the hybrid nature of the genre, drawing on some theoretical concepts including "intergenre", "genre-chains", "discourse and social change". (Yonsei University)


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경: 담화/장르의 변화와 혼합성
  2.1. Fairclough (1992)의 "담화와 사회 변화"
  2.2. Halmari & Virtanen (2005)의 "장르 변화와 설득"
 3. 분석 자료 및 방법
  3.1. 분석 자료
  3.2. 분석 방법
 4. 자료 분석: '상품 정보 기사'의 담화 및 언어적 실현
  4.1. 거시적 측면
  4.2. 미시적 측면
 5. 논의: 장르의 혼합성
  5.1. '보도 기사'와의 유사점과 차이점
  5.2. '광고'와의 유사성
 6. 결론: 요약 및 분석의 함축


  • 이원표 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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