

대학생의 여가활동 유형에 따른 여가생활 만족도


A Study on the Leisure Life Satisfaction of College Students According to the Pattern of Leisure Activities

안옥희, 최현숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was designed to get basic informations for the purpose of making healthy leisure environment of college students, and which will improve the satisfaction of their school life. Five hundreds of college students in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area were questioned by, our questionnaire during April, 2005. The data of 405 students (165 men, 240 women) Were analyzed by SPSS WIN 12.0 program. The data of 210 were from Daegu and 195 were from Gyeongbuk area, The results are as follows, First, 80% of those questioned spend their leisure time doing some activities and the satisfaction degree was medium... They get the informations about leisure mainly through internet and the purpose of their leisure activities, were, to get rid of stress. Second; It was shown that their main leisure activities were doing internet, meeting friends, and listening music on weekdays, meeting friends, watching movie and doing internet on weekend. The major activities of the students during vocation were meeting friends, doing internet, and watching TV. Third, the students are concern about their leisure life, and they think that leisure life make improve the quality of life. The last, there is a correlation between quite activities such as watching TV, and dynamic activities such as a mountain-climbing leisure life satisfaction on weekdays. On weekend, however, there is a correlation between dynamic activities such as sports and the leisure life satisfaction. Moreover, on summer (winter) break personal activities such as religious activities and the leisure satisfaction.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 여가생활만족도
  2. 여가활동 유형
 III. 연구방법
 IV. 연구결과 
  1. 조사대상자의 일반적 사항
  2. 여가비용과 시간 그리고 시설
  3. 여가생활의 현황
  4. 여가활동유형
  5. 여가생활의 관심도, 기여정도와 만족도
  6. 여가활동유형에 따른 여가생활 만족도
 V. 결론


  • 안옥희 Ok Hee An. 영남대학교 생활과학부 교수, 주저자
  • 최현숙 Hyun Sook Choi. 영남대학교 생활과학부 겸임교수, 교신저자


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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