

Structurally Ambiguous Empty Nominal Pro-forms in Korean


Myung-Kwan Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Park, Myung-Kwan. 2012. Structurally Ambiguous Empty Nominal Pro-forms in Korean. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 37-4, 825-843. In this paper we argue that the empty category element in the argument position of Korean substitutes either for DP or NP. We present two pieces of evidence in favor of this thesis. One is that in the apparently DP structure, it can replace not only the whole DP but also its sub-constituent NP. Another is that unlike an ordinary pronoun, it can replace an indefinite expression. We show that this indefinite expression in Korean does not constitute DP but NP, which in turn supports the idea that the empty category element replaces an NP indefinite expression. We then argue that the empty category element is pro. Evidence for this comes from both extraction out of ellipsis and the contrast in elision between nominal NP's/DP's and adverbials. To the extent this analysis is right, the difference between English and Korean in light of the availability of pro is attributed to the fact that only the latter language has a covert pro-form in its lexicon. (Dongguk University)


 1. Introduction
 2. Structurally Ambiguous Covert Nominal Pro-form
 3. Indefinite Expressions and Their Pro-form Strategy
 4. Pro-form or Deletion?
 5. Summary and Conclusion


  • Myung-Kwan Park Dongguk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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