

일반 논문

「역사적 트라우마 치유를 위한 문학생산론」 - 조정래의『태백산맥』을 중심으로 -


A Literature Production Theory for Historical Trauma Healing - a focus of Jo Jeong Rae's TaeBack Mountins -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Literature Production Theory for Historical Trauma Healing - a focus of Jo Jeong Rae's TaeBack Mountins - Jeon, Young-Eui The thesis was groped through an intention that was solved a problem about “Did TaeBack Mountains have a humanity healing quality?” On the whole plundered Honam from a korean capitalism expansion process have built political identity was based a destiny communal society consciousness, and concentrated democratic quality and consciousness through 5․18 Gwang-Ju democratization movement. We can find a reason was created of TaeBack Mountains in author's sense of duty for expose on the whole ideal of the people as production subject. reader's desire who wanted had confirmed subjective self consciousness as consumption subject, korean society situations from the last choseon dynasty to 1980. We can put a graft into healing and humane studies, at this time we can make new conception “humanity healing” If we make it, we can find a sufficient term for literature production, and necessary term for production subject and consumption subject in the signs of korean modern history. Author can meet trauma by product texts, readers feel catharsis agree with characters' feeling in texts through reading and solve the trauma. when we read texts, we understand characters, reflect our true life, think again about society's hurts, so we can know that literature production and humanity 문학의 치유적 기능에 대한 고찰(1)․273 healing have relations, and we can find the people's voices through characters, humanity healing quality, means of politics. TaeBack Mountains have been enlightening texts that have made a democratic quality and democratic consciousness. by the way If the texts have a power of humanity healing, we can fine evidences that people's voices have excepted historical documents, humanity healing qualities in the texts, although TaeBack Mountains have democratic quality and democratic consciousness, are enlightening texts If readers have humanity healing effects through read texts, TaeBack Mountains are texts of humanity healing qualities and can realize a man's worth over ideology's opposition


1. 들어가는 말
 2.『태백산맥』과 문학생산의 당위성
 3. 문학생산과 인문치유의 상관성
 4.『태백산맥』의 인문치유적 성격과가치
 5. 나가는 말


  • 전영의 Jeon, Young-Eui. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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