

일반 논문

1960년대 한국문학의 계보 - 계간지『한국문학』을 중심으로


The Lineage of Korean Literature in 1960' ― on the Quarterly Magazine Korean Literature


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Lineage of Korean Literature in 1960' ― on the Quarterly Magazine Korean Literature Park, Soo-Yeon This study is aimed, at Korean literary topography of the 1960s, to study depending on the topography causes the status of the Korea Literature and look at the process of institutionalization of the present. In this period, the 󰡔Hyundaemoonhak󰡕, Joyeonhyeon, authentic old fashioned floor paragraph of the South Korean literature was in the one side and the antipodes of foreign literature, researchers new generation literary magazine and other magazines of their own planning began in other side. Representative to 󰡔 Changjakkwabipteong󰡕 󰡔Sanmoonsidae󰡕󰡕 󰡔Four Seasons󰡕 󰡔68 literature󰡕 󰡔 situation󰡕. Between them, there was a 󰡔Hangookmoonhak󰡕. The member of the magazine was made in the form of drivers, including Kim Soo Young, Kim Chunsu, Lee Eo - ryeong, Kim Gu Yong etc.. Drivers of this magazine is about consciously 󰡔Hyundaemoonhak󰡕 to put distance and also had the same idea in a magazine of a new generation. Influence of the 󰡔 Hangookmoonhak󰡕 was ended in No. 3 because the 󰡔Hangookmoonhak󰡕 did not exercise consistently an intermediary position occupied. But, consider the relationship between genealogy and the genealogy of the Contemporary Literature of Korea and through the 1960s the process of discourse and literature will be able to derive the results.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 한국문학과 60년대 문학의 중간 지대
 Ⅲ. 자유로운 집필과 문학적 이념부재
 Ⅳ.『한국문학』에 대한 하나의 독법
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박수연 Park, Soo-Yeon. 충남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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