

일반 논문

국어과 검정체제의 문제점과 개선 방향


A study on the aspect of critical education in Korean language textbooks of middle schools, third grade(Ⅰ) - with focus on literature education -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Problems and Direction for Improvement of the Authorization System for Korean Language Yi, Jee-yeub This thesis observes the problems of the Korean language authorization system from the internal and general perspective and presents actual directions for improvement of the relevant matter. First, the Korean language curriculum can be indicated as a problem of the Korean language authorization system. The purpose of education for Korean language is to foster the ability to creatively use the language and to critically and creatively accept and produce conversation and writing. However, writing education, which plays a critical role in achieving this purpose, remains as an insignificant part of the curriculum. Also, designated exam for the Korean language curriculum has yet been systemized. Second, the elective courses in the 2009 revised curriculum can be indicated as a problem. The division of curriculum into Speech and Writing I, Speech and Writing II, Reading and Grammar I, Reading and Grammar II, Literature I, and Literature II presents a serious problem. This is because the connection of speech with writing, and reading with grammar fails to properly realize the educational purpose of the Korean language curriculum. Third, other various problems, such as fairness in authorization evaluation, can be indicated. Various problems co-exist with one another, such as urgency of evaluation 국어과 검정체제의 문제점과 개선 방향․173 schedule and suspicions on fairness of evaluation. In addition, there are general problems regarding the authorization system for all subjects, including the Korean language. 1) Problems in the planning stage have largely increased duties related with authorization and accreditation, but relevant departments that manage such duties have reduced personnel and lack in professionalism. 2) Problems in the evaluation stage include work overload and lack of time and consistency. 3) Problems in the application, adoption, and provision stage include the problem of multiple application, excessive competition for adoption, and corruption related with adoption. 4) Although authorization and evaluation of textbook requires much time and personnel, this is not achieved in reality. The following present the measures for improving the Korean language authorization system. First, the importance of consideration for creative writing education must be emphasized. The basic content of writing can be connected by grade according to the developmental stage of the learner in the of the curriculum to achieve the essential purpose of Korean language education. Second, Korean elective courses of the 2009 Korean language curriculum must be re-adjusted. The curriculum must not be classified for convenience, but the concept of selection must be acquired from students, the main agent of learning, and opinions of teachers must be actively accepted in the planning & execution process. Also, the authorization evaluation must be performed based on transparency and fairness. To achieve this, the textbook authorization schedule must be planned with sufficient time. Furthermore, as authorization duties are completed through tele survey and camp survey, this period must be extended from to a minimum of 15 days from the current 7~10 days. The general problems of the authorization system for all subjects, including Korean language, were presented as problems in the planning stage, problems in the evaluation stage, and problems in application, adoption, and supply. Extensive reinforcement of the editing department, evaluation schedule and consistent 174․한어문교육 제27집 evaluation, strong sanctions and incentive system were presented as solutions for these problems. Although such partial complementation is also important, a more fundamental solution for these problems, thus a plan for establishing a standing authorization/accreditation institution, must be actively searched. To achieve this, this study presented the plan for establishing the (provisional title) (Korea) Textbook Office (Agency), which has been judged to be most appropriate according to evaluation on , , and . It is concluded that there is no reason to postpone the establishment of this institution when considering the annual commission paid for textbook authorization. This solution will succeed in providing textbooks that diligently reflect the primary mentality of authorized curriculum and various, high-quality learner-centered textbooks appropriate for school education system in the aspect of reason, scientific validity, transparency and fairness.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 2007 국어과 교육과정 성취기준과 비평교육
 Ⅲ. 교과서에 나타난 비평 활동
  1. 비평문 읽기
  2. 교과서의 구현 양상
 Ⅳ. 나오며


  • 이지엽 Yi, Jee-yeub. 경기대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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