


전기적 자극이 신경 재생에 미치는 양성적 효과


Positive Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Nerve Regeneration

박수경, 원진영, 이영전, 김동우, 홍용근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The nerve regeneration mechanisms are very important. If the mechanism were obviously defined and found the primary cause, those caused patients suffer from nerve injury to live more than yet. In fact, the factor affected regeneration is diverse. We are willing to review that electrical stimulation affects nerve regeneration. Specifically, we review that electrical stimulation affects velocity and regeneration mechanism related genetic factor. Neural regeneration speed was studied by radioisotope labeling of transported proteins and by anterograde labeling of regenerating axons, and was not altered by electrical stimulation. Attempts to condition the neuron by stimulating the femoral nerve 1 week before injury were also without effect. Electrical stimulation thus promotes the onset of motor axon regeneration without increasing its speed. This finding suggests a combined approach to improving the outcome of nerve repair. Additionally, in the study, we investigated whether electrical stimulation accelerates the upregulation of T®1-tubulin and GAP-43(regeneration-associated genes : RAGs) and the downregulation of the medium-molecular-weight neurofilament (NFM) on genetic factor related regeneration mechanism. 1. two weeks prior to unilateral femoral nerve transection and suture, fluorogold (Fluorochrome Inc., Denver) or fluororuby (Dextran tetramethylrhodamine, Mol.
Probes, D-1817, Eugene, OR) was injected into quadriceps muscles. 2. Over a period of 7 days, fresh spinal cords were processed for semiquantitation of mRNA by using in situ hybridization. 3. There was an increase in T®1-tubulin and GAP-43 mRNA and a decline in the NFM mRNA at 7 days after nerve suture and sham stimulation but not in intact nerves. In contrast, 1 hr stimulation of sutured but not intact nerves dramatically accelerated the changes in gene expression. The changes in RAGs and NFM gene expression were delayed relative to the accelerated upregulation of BDNF and trkB mRNA by electrical stimulation. The temporal sequence of upregulation of BDNF and trkB, altered gene expression of RAGs and NFM, and accelerated axonal outgrowth from the proximal nerve stump are consistent with a key role of BDNF and trkB in mediating the altered expression of RAGs and, in turn, the promotion of axonal outgrowth after electrical stimulation. Taken together, as mentioned above, the ratio of nerve growth is strikingly increased by electrical peripheral nerve stimulation, which implicated that it might be applicable therapeutics for neural repair and regeneration as well as functional rehabilitation as traditional physical therapeutics.


 I. 서론
 II. 본론
  1. Regeneration speed - radiolabeling
  2. 재생 속도 - 전향 추적
  3. 시험적인 조절
  4. 대퇴 신경이 절개되고 봉함된 이후에 자극된 그리고 가짜로 자극된 운동신경원의 NFM mRNA의 표현형
  5. 대퇴 신경 절단과 봉합 이후 자극된 그리고 가짜로 자극된 운동신경원에서 T②1-튜불린 mRNA의 표현
  6. 대퇴 신경 절단과 봉합 이후 자극된 그리고 허위 자극된 운동신경원들에서 GAP-43 mRNA의 표현형
 III. 고찰
  1. 재생 속도
  2. 조절
  3. NFM, T②1-튜불린, 그리고 GAP-43을위한 운동신경원의 유전자 표현에서 전기적으로 유발된 변화들, 그리고GAP-43은 BDNF와 trk B의 상향조절을 따른다.
  4. 자극-유발의 가능성 있는 효과는 NFM유전자 표현형 감소와 재생중인 운동신경원에서 RAGs의 상승된 유전자 표현형
 IV. 결론


  • 박수경 Park, Sookyoung. 대구대학교 대학원 물리치료전공
  • 원진영 Won, Jinyoung. 인제대학교 의생명공학대학 물리치료학과, 심혈관 및 대사성질환센터
  • 이영전 Lee, Youngjeon. 인제대학교 의생명공학대학 물리치료학과, 심혈관 및 대사성질환센터
  • 김동우 Kim dongwoo. 인제대학교 의생명공학대학 물리치료학과, 심혈관 및 대사성질환센터
  • 홍용근 Hong, Yonggeun. 인제대학교 의생명공학대학 물리치료학과, 심혈관 및 대사성질환센터


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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