


근막통증증후군의 이해


A Review on Myofascial Pain Syndrome


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Myofascial pain syndrome characterised by the presence of trigger points. Trigger points are defined as tender areas deep within the muscle belly whitch, when palpated, result in referred pain that reproduce the patient's pain complaint. The referred pain does not follow simple segmental patterns and is not necessarily situated in the same dermatome, myotome or sclerotome as that of the trigger point. Specific patterns of pain referral have been described for all muscles of the body.
Trigger points are said to be located within taut bands of muscle fibers. Theses represent tense muscle fibers, ranging from a few milimeters to a centimeter in width, that are found by palpation along the longitudinal axis of the muscle among the normally slackened fibers. A transient muscle contraction, the local twitch response, can be induced by rolling the trigger point under fingers. Trigger points have been described as a being either active or latent. It is thought that many regional pain conditions, including subsets of low back, cervical disorders and tension headache. Treatments for myofascial pain syndrome are physical therapy, stretch, spray, postural rehabilitation and medication.


 I. 서론
 II. 근막통증증후군이란?
  1. 근막통증증후군의 원인
  2. 근막통증증후군의 발병기전
  3. 임상증상
  4. 진단 기준 및 평가
 III. 치료
  1. 유발인자의 제거
  2. 운동장애의 치료
  3. 국소적 치료
  4. 약물치료
 IV. 결론


  • 안은영 Ahn Eun-Young. 경남정보대학 작업치료과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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