


근골격기능장애(Musculoskeletal Dysfunction:MSD)테이핑요법에 관한 고찰


Investigation about MSD Taping therapy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Taping therapy makes tape intermediate. Utilize stimulation effects and mechanical effect by tape in treatment. Main indication is symptoms by musculo-skeletal system dysfunction in tape treatment. Indication of Taping therapy is symptoms by musculo-skeletal system dysfunction.
About, Cumulative Trauma Disorders is the mainest indication among musculo-skeletal dysfunction. Symptoms of such musculo-skeletal dysfunction classify greatly by Resting pain and Movement pain.
OMT-Taping of Arikawa is high effect to Movement pain, and SBT-Taping of Danaka is high effect to Resting pain.
There is method of Power Source muscle taping, Postural reflex taping, Joint Mobilization, and Local taping to OMT-Taping.
SBT-Taping classifies first by whole body method and local method of treatment. Basis of treatment of SBT-Taping is treatment of Body heat and body cold. There is method of Basic method, Pain method, flexor protractor method, interrelation method, Make method, therapy of Type etc. by other whole body method. Apply Local therapy if do not get effect that is good by application of whole body method of treatment.
It is MSD-Taping that compose OMT-Taping and SBT-Taping consisted of such methods by one method. That is, OMT-Taping to Movement pain, and approach that apply SBT-Taping to Resting pain is MSD- Taping.


 I. 서론
 II. 본론
  1. MSD 테이핑요법 접근법의 구성
 III. 결론


  • 이재갑 Lee Jae-Kap. 한림대평촌성심병원 재활치료실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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