


편마비 환자의 족하수 보조기 적용에 관한 연구


The Effect on Foot Orthosis of the Foot Drop hemiplegic Patient's

김지혁, 김용권, 유종우

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: The purpose of this study compare the several foot orthoses with non-wearing foot on hemiplegia. Many studies of hemiplegic orthoses are published. But compare with their orthoses is not enough, So we will find out of their merits and demerits. Method: We find out and compare the data of published book, journal, studies until now. Results: Merits of plastic AFO is supporting gait due to medial stability on hemiplegic patients. Orthoses support knee extension and hip extension, but hip joint is unstable because of hip flexion fixed position and knee hyper extension for stability. Anyway plastic AFO is most effective orthoses on hemiplegic patients. Anterior plastic AFO is more effective to korean patients because naked-foot gait life pattern in indoors. Additional effect is that Anterior plastic AFO stimulate foot base sensory. But, In weight bearing distribution, Posterior plastic AFO is more effective than anterior plastic. Conclusion: Most orthoses are effective on hemiplegic patients for foot drop. But, according to the type of orthoses, Merit and demerit are different. So the choice of the orthoses is very important issue.


 I. 서론
 II. 보행 분석
  1. 보행주기의 단계(Phase of the Gait Cycle)
 III. 보조기의 종류
  1. 단하지 보장구(Ankle foot orthosis : AFO)
  2. 플라스틱 단하지 보장구(Plastic AFO)
 IV. 고찰
 V. 결론
  1. 보조기사용의 장점
  2. 보조기 사용의 단점
  3. 보조기 종류에 따른 효과 비교
  4. 보조기 적용의 제안점
 VI. 참고문헌


  • 김지혁 Kim Chi-Hyok. 경남정보대학 물리치료과
  • 김용권 Kim Yong-Kwon. 인제대학교 물리치료학과
  • 유종우 Ryu Jong-Woo. 경남정보대학 물리치료과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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