

A study on the effect of strategic Smart-learning system : Focused on its development and implementation


Smart-learning, Mobile-learning, M-learning, Social-media

Ahn, Byung-Yong, You, Yeong-mahn

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With growing use of smart phone, there has been increasing demands for utilizing it in the field of education in a variety of ways. Businesses have also rapidly begun to adopt and implement Smart-learning system as a part of HRD. The study aims to understand the effect of Smart-learning based on SNS technology, which can be adopted and utilized in the business area. For the purpose of this, an analysis has been conducted through reviewing definitions and concepts about technology-integrated learning, specifically Smart-learning. And then, factors for successful implementation of Smart-learning and strategies for its optimization are derived through the analysis. Another issue of the study focuses on a role of HRD in managing and implementing Smart-learning in the business field. For the meaningful results, a focus group interview and survey of 15 stakeholders in charge of Smart-learning system in a company has been made. As a result, five factors for successful implementation of Smart-learning in the business field are derived from a focus group interview and surveys; ‘CEO’s active involvement’, ’appropriateness for company policy’,’correct information’, ‘cyber security’ and ‘employees’ active participation’. The results of the study have significant implication in the field of HRD by suggesting several factors to consider in advance for successful implementation and management of Smart-learning.


 I. Introduction
 II. Literature Review
  1. Understanding of Smart Learning
  2. Definitions of Smart Learning and its Characteristics
 III. Research Methodology
 IV. Research Results
  1. Survey Analysis
  2. Results of Focus Group Interview
 V. Discussions
  1. Factors for Success Implementation of Smart Learning
  2. Role of department for Active Workers’ Participation of Smart Learning
 VI. Implication
 VII. Conclusions and Suggestions


  • Ahn, Byung-Yong Hanyang University,D octral Student
  • You, Yeong-mahn Hanyang University, Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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