Effects of Different Car Pedal Systems and Driving Skills on Drivers’ Lower Extremity Postures during Fatigue
The purpose of this study was to investigate drivers’ postures in different car pedal systems and skilled levels under fatigue. Twenty four subjects participated in this experiment. For three-dimensional analyses, six cameras (Proreflex MCU-240, Qualisys) were used to acquire raw data. The parameters were calculated and analyzed with Visual-3D. In conclusion, ROAs of two leg-pedal system were less than one leg pedal system by pattern analysis. Through statistical tests, skilled levels have effects on ROAs(X, Y, Z) of ankle joint at breaking a pedal and ROAs(Y, Z) of ankle joint at accelerating a pedal. Also, car pedal systems have effects on ROAs(Y, Z) of ankle joint, and ROA(Z) of knee joint at accelerating a pedal. In addition, skilled levels and car pedal systems (cross effects) have an effect on ROA(Z) of ankle joint. These findings suggested that we should improve a present single pedal system.
1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
2.1 대상자의 특성
2.2 분석 국면 및 이벤트
2.3 실험 절차 및 방법
2.4 인체의 좌표화 및 연구변인 정의
3. 결과 및 고찰
3.1 골반각 및 하지관절 각패턴비교
3.2 하지관절 각범위(ROA)
3.3 숙련도와 페달시스템 유형 조합에 따른 ROA의 차이
4. 결론
5. 참고문헌