

나노리프와 수질


Nano Reef and Water Quality


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A nano reef is a type of marine aquarium that is typically less than 140 L. Nano reefs have become quite popular in recent years among fish keeping hobbyists, primarily because of their smaller size, maintainability, and the possibility of lower costs. Keeping method for marine water quality in nano reef system was organized.. There are three kinds of filtration methods, biological filtration, mechanical filtration, and chemical filtration. A primary filtration method in nano reefs is live rock and live sand, which are pieces of rock and sand that have broken from the coral reef and are populated with beneficial bacteria and other organisms that aid in breaking down organic wastes produced by larger organisms in the nano reef. Other nano reef aquarists use devices such as protein skimmers to remove excess waste from the aquarium, before it has a chance to be broken down to nitrate. Removing the excess wastes mechanically can reduce the frequency of water changes needed to keep nitrate levels low. Delaying the action of the mechanical filters. A refugium may also be used to export nutrients, when packed with macroalgae such as Chaetomorpha, and live rock. Deep sand bed filters are another filtration method. Recently there have been several natural methods of processing waste in the aquarium and specifically small environments as nano reefs. In Korea, the wet and dry filter system go down with best way. But, the most important things are live rock, protein skimmer, strong water flow to keeping best water quality for invertebrates and marine tropical fishes. So, the complex filter system was recommend than one filter system.


  1. 생물학적 여과법(Biological filtration)
  2. 물리적 여과법(Mechanical filtration)
  3. 화학적 여과법(Chemical filtration)
  4. 복합 여과법(Complex filter system)


  • 김동희 Dong Heui Kim. 연세대학교 원주의과대학 환경의생물학교실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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