

구약성서 연구와 해석

‘발람 이야기’(민 22-24장)의 단락 범위 재설정을 위한 제언 - 민수기 22-25장의 정경적 전개에 관한 연구 -


A Proposal of the resetting paragraph for the Story of Balaam(Num 22-24) - A Study for the Canonical Unfolding of Num 22-25


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Proposal of the resetting paragraph for the Story of Balaam(Num 22-24) - A Study for the Canonical Unfolding of Num 22-25 Jin-Myung Kim, Th.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Theology Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary The purpose of this study is to propose a new paragraph of the story of Balaam and reinterpret this story in the whole context of the Bible. The method of this article is ‘an exegetical study for the canonical unfoldings’ and it is applied to the study of Balaam story(Num 22-24). “Balaam, a sinner or saint?” This question is connected with the interpretation of the story of Balaam. Until now, most of Old Testament studies have attempted to interpret Balaam's story in the paragraph of Num 22-24 and suggested the interpretive ambiguity of Balaam. But this paper explores the canonical unfolding of Balaam’s story from the OT to the NT(Num 31:16, Deut 23:3-6, Mic 6:5, 2Pet 2:15-16, Rev 2:14). In the process of analyzing and comparing this story with the connected texts(Num 31:16, 2 Pet 2:15-16, Rev 2:14), negative character and concrete sin of Balaam is revealed. It is also found that some of the connected texts of this story have understood the story of Balaam in the paragraph of Num 22-25(Num 31:16, Rev 2:14). After this scrutiny of the story of Balaam in the whole context of the OT and the NT, it is concluded that this story can be interpreted in the new paragraph of Num 22-25. This interpretation of the new paragraph shows what the hidden guilty of Balaam is. Superficially Balaam was a messenger of God, but substantially he was an evil man who advised the Moabite and the Midian to tempt the Israelite into idolizing(Num 25).


이 논문은 기존의 이론과 달리 발람이야기의 새로운 단락(민 22-25장)을 제안하고 성경 전체의 맥락에서 발람 이야기를 재해석한다. 필자는 정경적 전개에 관한 연구를 통한 발람 이야기의 재해석으로 본문에 대한 새로운 해석의 가능성과 함께 본문의 문학적 베일에 가려져 있던 발람이라는 인물의 부정적인 면모를 선명하게 드러내 준다.


1. 문제제기와 연구방법
 2. 민수기 22:1-24:25 단락 설정과 본문 연구사
  1) 발람에 대한 긍정적 평가
  2) 발람에 대한 부정적 평가
  3) 발람에 대한 중립적 평가
 3. 발람 이야기의 정경적 전개에 관한 연구
  1) 민 22:1-24:25 단락 범위에서의 발람 이야기
  2) 구약에서의 정경적 전개
  3) 신약에서의 정경적 전개
 4. 발람이야기의 정경적 전개와 재해석
  1) 발람 이야기의 정경적 전개에 관한 분석과 평가
  2) 발람 이야기의 새로운 단락 범위 제안과 재해석: 민수기 22:1-25:18
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 김진명 Jin-Myung Kim. 장신대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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