

친환경과 표준 인쇄를 고려한 인쇄 최적화에 관한 연구 : 프리 프레스


A Study on the Printing Optimization by considering Eco-Friendly Printing and Printing Standards : Prepress

김준곤, 조가람, 구철회

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According as the latest printing technology is converted from analogue to digital, life cycle of a printing technology is shortened and the existent printing companies were faced always in a new technology. Specially, way of foreign countries export opened because globalization of printing market is accelerated. But, printing buyers of advanced nation require standard printing process control. fect at product process step. Emphasized in IPA technical conference for past several years tendency about graphic art color proofing and technical analysis and comparison going through Color Proofing RoundUP. These researchers have developed a color management technology. A specially developed printing technology and reference characterization data brought certain high quality elevation in a graphic art proofing technology. When excessive GCR method application supervise printing, width of color conversion necks by requiring a lot of color conversions than proofing. But, these point is lacking relatively than a lot of effects that GCR gives. Therefore, correct interests of GCR algorithm and verification step to forecast beforehand result about actuality application are positively necessary. Therefore, this research forced into input file which is applied with different levels from input to print for printing optimization that consider standard printing with eco-friendly by method to solve these problem. And experimented using manuscript who GCR level is applied as is different in each field, and analyzed the result. Also, it is verification method by step to last printing from input file that solve been the various quality who generate in actuality field through these analysis result. ICC color management confirmed printing optimization process applying GCR algorithm improved to base.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험
  2-1. 프리 프레스
  2-2. 실험 방법
 3. 결과 및 고찰
  3-1. 잉크 최적화 솔루션의 GCR 알고리즘에 따른 잉크 절감량 비교
  3-2. 잉크 최적화 솔루션의 잉크 절감량에 따른 색차 비교
 4. 결론


  • 김준곤 J un-Gon Kim. 부경대학교 공과대학 인쇄정보공학과
  • 조가람 Ga-Ram Cho. 부경대학교 공과대학 인쇄정보공학과
  • 구철회 Chul-Whoi Koo. 부경대학교 공과대학 인쇄정보공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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