This study originated in that local Sakhalin Koreans in Sakhalin feel keenly the necessity Korean education in the light of the special historical relation. The research methods investigated of the present situation of the schools and relevant agencies in 2010-2012 which teach Korean. I participated and observed and took pictures of analyzed classes. We can confirm the fact that the results obtained from the study Sakhalin Korean education has been influenced absolutely by the historical and political background. The following improvements are needed for continuous development of Korean education. The current teaching materials put in in Korean education are modified and supplemented suitably depending on the regions and the education. The ongoing teacher training to improve the skills of teachers and the incentive measures for securing competent teachers are needed. The expansion of the audio-visual materials in teaching aid materials is needed. The encourage students of Korean language training and the expanded opportunities of studying in Korea are needed. We hope that the economy will revive in the future and many Korean companies will make inroads into Sakhalin and will create many jobs and the university Korean language education will be activated. In the future as the economy revives, many Korean companies have a presence on Sakhalin with many Korean universities education, create jobs and expect it to be activated.
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