


현대소설에 나타난 소비 사회의 의미 고찰


Meaningful consideration of consumer society appears in the modern novel


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Modern society is a consumer society. Things in the realm of consumption is used as a tool and as an element of happiness, prestige role. Consumption activities in modern society was a meaningful interaction based on a certain code and communication process. Furthermore, it acts as a symbol that distinguishes themselves and others. Modern consumption patterns are involved in the life of modern people. The culture of consumption has underlying such as the desire that social distinction, the desire to be recognized by others, same the hierarchy of the chemistry. However, Characters in the novel, excessive commercialization and consumer society swept away by a logic to forget the true meaning of life and essence. Therefore, this article is divided into three chapters analyze. First, the distinction that, the consumption characteristics of the products, depending on the tastes and lifestyle of people. Second, for consumption on the subject's narcissistic tendencies. Third, Characters is to desire the things that others desire by trying to raise the value of their existence. This is simply out of the sight of economic activity associated with the human psyche will be able to look at various aspects of consumption.


1. 서론
 2. 취향과 생활양식에 따른 계층 간 ‘구별짓기’
 3. 타인의 시선 앞에 전시되는 소비에 대한 주체의 나르시시즘
 4. 모방욕망 유혹에 전복되는 자아
 5. 결론


  • 이현영 Lee, Hyon-Young. 충북대학교 국어국문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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