


<장대장타령>에 나타난 웃음의 양상과 의미


The meaning and aspect of the laughter which is appeared in <Jangdaejang-taryeong>




We researched, in this paper, the structure of narration, the aspect of witticism, and mixing use of Sokga(a popular song) about , one work of Jsedam-sori of Seoul based on a literature material , and on a music material . Jsedam-sori is a special formed song mixing with Jaedam(witticism) and Sori, This study is a following up work of consideration and was centered to consider the implied humor and satire in this paper. One important point is that I wrote this paper by paying heed to the popularity of Park chun jae who was artist at that time and cultural-artistic pervasiveness which is in he called. Eventually, We can search the meaning of Jaedam-sori, Jangdaejang-taryeong of Park chun jae the work which make them insighting the times by humor and satire through ongoing performance, a collection of poems and a disk sale etc. against a large number of readers in opening area and which highten one step of critical intention about socio-cultural phenomenon by opening the area of recognition of them.


1. 서론
 2. 박춘재 소리에 대한 당대 인식
 3. <장대장타령>의 웃음의 양상
  1) 전통적 웃음의 전승
  2) 전통적 웃음의 변용
 4. <장대장타령>의 의미
 5. 결론


  • 전계영 Jeon, Gye-Yeong. 한국교통대학교 한국어문학과


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