Since China's reform and opening-up strategy, especially with China's socialist marketing economic promotion and development, it is increasing the market mechanism in the allocation of labor resources. These make female employees face with market economy system to provide free employment and career development opportunities, but also make them is facing the huge pressure of competition. Therewith some female researchers think the space is relatively narrow for female obtaining employment because of market economy mechanism. Women are closed to “marginalization”. The female researchers proposed many constructive suggestions to how to improve women's social status. In this paper, the author analyses the present situation of the current women employment, how to affect women's employment system and cultural factors. From 1990 to 2010, for this 20 years, the gender employment unbalance is expanding. The employment rate decline mainly reflected in women. In addition, it is declining obviously for young female employment rate, and increasing for old women's employment rate. From the profession distribution, the women proportion reduces in the first industry, increases in the second and the third industry. But professional structure in non mainstreaming status. This paper, the author analyzes the impact of female employment social environment from the social system and cultural aspects. It discusses the countermeasures on how to promote women's employment from the legislation, policies and constructing gender equality.
二. 市场经济机制的导入是双刃剑: 女性就业有喜有忧
1. 计划经济体制下女性的充分就业
2. 改革开放后女性的就业现状: 有喜有忧
三. 影响女性就业的环境因素:制度与文化因素的考量
1. 制度环境: 有待改善
2. 社会环境: 任重道远
四. 总结与建议