

동북아시아의 경제와 사회

컴퓨터 장시간 사용의 후유증과 귀반사 요법 및 미술치료에 의한 건강관리 사례


The side effects of using computer for a long time and Health care example by Ear reflexology, Art therapy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Highly developed civilization derive many advantages, but result was became mechanical slaves to create a human feelings slowdown and emotional insensitivity. As a result, the mental and physical illness was brought. In this paper, on the computer used for an extended period of time, the side effects and health care example, should to reported. That proving of scientific data is important, but can be perceived at actual clinical have to observe symptoms and that is supposed to take on the day-to-day physical and emotional care want to seek ways. In this paper, clinical methods mentioned in the oldest medical books of the HUANG TI NEI CHING, in the category of alternative medicine has been developed from Western society Art therapy and ear reflexology treatment is applied in conjunction, at sequelae resulting from the use of the computer for a long time ways to improve was to find through art therapy approach from the concept of integrative medicine Health care. Computer and the Internet used for a long time was induced somatization of Nausea and vomiting, Tingling, symptoms, myalgia Etc. from 10 hours at a day, in a week 4 or 5 times, about 15 weeks. Emotions phenomenon was observed Etc. lethargy, irritability increased, aggression, anxiety without reason in the process. This started somatization were care oriental medicine and alternative medical approaches. This study proceeded Food Therapy and Manipulative Therapy (Ear reflexology) for healing after completing the experiment. Art therapy was carried out in the whole process of care. Per person and the individual differences and person get different results depending on the environment. Want to play the role of a stepping stone to study the side effects and complications due to Prolonged use of a computer for health care to come.


Ⅰ. 시작 하면서
 Ⅱ. 황제내경으로 살펴본 귀반사 요법과 미술치료
  1. 황제내경과 귀반사건강학
  2. 이침과 귀반사건강학
  3. 황제내경과 미술치료(색채치료)
 Ⅲ. 컴퓨터 장시간 사용의 후유증과 건강관리 사례
  1. 컴퓨터 장시간 사용의 후유증
  2. 건강관리 사례(대체의학적 케어)
 Ⅳ. 마치면서


  • 김난영 Kim, Nan-Young. 안동과학대학교 미술심리재활과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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