


太平洋戦争における≪祈り≫ - 太宰治の鴎と「十二月八日」を中心に-


≪Prayer≫ in the Pacific War And “The Seagull” Osamu Dazai around “eight days in December”

태평양전쟁における≪기り≫ - 태재치の구と「십이월팔일」を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



And “The Seagull”, this paper tried to discuss the attitude of the literature in World War II in the heart of the “eight days in December.” I think whether it is not wrote in mind the adjudication of war you hear is not a “bad reputation” toward you so “horrible” does it “hear something. You hear whispers.” Of “The Seagull” and the next can not do anything of the “eight days in December” is is “dumb”, is a person of “Abo”, was holed up in their own world, Toru Kitagawa I was at the time overlaps with that said, “the fate of literature” is. However, “even human,” “inferior”, human waste “Where was notable only privately financed insisted the ball,” said “alive somehow as a” strange animal. And from the fact that the “strange animal” “lacking teeth tattered” “I is said to be” Tsuji Musicians whitebeard Iru it paid off in the road take a lifetime Vuaiorin Ogurai dew, the violin in chaos He plays “Tsuji Musicians” was overlapped with attitude attitude toward art was looking Dazai and literature. But at the end, was to give us peace about by “Tsuji Musicians” was looking for “puddle” of that “kingdom” can “and the one most.” I mean, it was felt from the “puddle” “Musicians Tsuji,” the attitude of the literature is the “sanity” to live to “determined purpose” to it would have been a literature of desire. Is to keep possession a “belief” and “insane”, and the foundation “contrition, confession, remorse” to be Dazai was trying to convey, he tried to go forward without succumbing to age is not a literary war it will be said to be the work.


1. はじめに
 5. おわりに


  • 金柰炅 김나경. 인제대학교 일어일문학과 시간강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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