In this thesis, I research teaching skill using Focus on Form. Which makes students concentrate on form of language focusing on grammar education which are hard to understand for koreans who learn Japanese. I research the time students use speculation to make sentences and case of misusing it for korean who learn Japanese for their second language. focusing on misusing of sentences, I contemplate studying skill of Focus on Form. I make experiments with activation of input, notifying context, activation of communication, and awaking awareness of language. I will research about what teaching skill can promote hard form of language efficiently for learner. The next thing that I must solve is both verifying teaching skill objectively using Focus on Form and enhancing the propriety.
2. 先行研究および研究目的
3. 日本語学習者の作文における問題点とその解決法としてのフォーカス·オン·フォームを利用した文法教育
3.1 作文における授受表現の使用頻度と誤用例の分析
3.2 作文における推量表現の使用頻度と誤用例の分析
3.3 授受表現におけるフォーカス·オン·フォームを利用した文法教育
3.4 推量表現におけるフォーカス·オン·フォームを利用した文法教育
4. 日本語文法教育への提言