


14세기 프랑스의 수서본 서적 생산


Production of Manuscripts in 14th Century France


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the domain of history of book, the Printing Revolution is strongly emphasized as a remarkable landmark in the production of books. This point of view premise that only the invention of Printing is the decisive or dominant factor of the augmentation of production of books in Europe in the Late Middle Ages. Surely it‘s importance cannot and must not be neglected, but it is also situated in the more large context of the increase of production and demand of books. Actually this historical phenomenon preceded the invention of the Printing and stimulated it.
In this point of view, this article is intended to observe the production of manuscripts, especially in 14th Century Paris which looked the blooming of book culture and the critical change in literacy. First observation is dedicated to the medieval meaning of the ‘author(auctor)’ as the text producer, which designate principally the God as World Creator until 13th Century, but gradually the human ‘creators’ form the end of the 13th Century. Moreover we can verify a sort of the ‘author consciousness’ like the case of Voir dit of Guillaume de Machaut.
Secondly, we observe the material producer of book, ‘libraires’ who not only made but also sold various manuscripts for the noble or bourgeois consumers as well as for the students of Univeristé de Paris by the pecia system. The libraires for the precious manuscripts are located in the Île de la Cité in front of the Notre-Dame de Paris and those for the scholastics(stationnaires), near the University and the Saint-Jacques.
The third point is the fluctuation of the production of books in 14th Century in France in the relationship of the political and social situation. If we consider the massive depopulation after the Black Death and during the war, it is amazing to observe the stability of the book production in 14th Century. On average the survivals in the last half of the 14th Century bought three times more than the precedents! What is more important than this quantitative indication is the remarkable growth of the lay reading public, principally the members of the Royal Court at Paris and the political elites, risen with the state system in birth. Especially the kingship who wanted to be a center of this state system tried incessantly to hold an initiative in the literary culture in order to establish a conformity in political communication system.
Desire for reading book of the new lay public, that is the condition precedent and indispensable that is must be underlined as well as the invention of Printing, an remarkable effect of this phenomenon.


본 글은 구텐베르크의 인쇄술이 등장하기 이전 중세 말에 이루어진 서적생산의 한 단면으로 14세기 파리의 서적생산을 소개하고자 한 다. 시기적으로 14세기는 유럽사회에서 12세기부터 장기적으로 성장해온 문자문화가 본격적으로 만개하기 시작한 시기이다


I. 들어가며: 인쇄술 이전
 II. 중세 시기 서적생산자들과 ‘저자’의 개념
 III. 14세기 서적출판판매업자(libraire)들 : 파리의 사례를 중심으로
 IV. 정치· 사회적 변동과 서적시장
 V. 나오며: 문자문화와 인쇄술


  • 홍용진 Hong, Yong-jin. 고려대학교 역사연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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