

[기획II] 고아, 족보없는 자(者)

일본계 미국인 강제 수용 시기 혼종 결혼 정책과 일본계 입양아 및 혼혈아의 인종 정체성 구성


The Mixed Marriage Policy and the Racial Construction of Mixed-Race Children in Mixed-Marriage Families and Japanese Adoptive Children in White Families during the World War I I internment of Japanese Americans


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay examines the ways in which the race identity of Japanese orphans adopted by white parents was defined by the Western Defense Command’s mixed marriage and mixed blood individual policy during the internment of Japanese Americans, 1942-1945. At that time, the Western Defense Command ruled that “all persons of Japanese ancestry” must evacuate from the West Coast and be sent to internment camps. The mixed marriage policy, however, was devised to exempt some mixed-race children born to mixed marriages between Japanese and non-Japanese. The policy also exempted a full-blooded Japanese child adopted by white parents from evacuation orders. To be eligible for exemption, mixed-race children of part Japanese ancestry should have less than 50% of Japanese blood and be able to prove that their “environment” before the war had been “Caucasian.” This blood quantum rule was never applied to Japanese children adopted by white homes
and it was assumed that such children were under the Caucasian environment of their white adoptive parents.
This essay argues that the mixed-marriage-policy exemption of full-blooded Japanese children raised by white adoptive parents from evacuation orders was not an aberration. It reveals that the mixed marriage policy did not―or could not―account for the lack of inconsistencies in measuring the Caucasian environment of mixed marriage families and adoptive families across racial lines between Japanese and white. The mixed marriage policy and its unaccountable inclusion of the Japanese children of white adoptive parents as sort of non-Japanese race category showed that race categories are elusive and arbitrary.


이 글은 일본계 부모에게서 태어나 백인 가정에 입양된 아이들의 인종 정 체성이 혼종 결혼 정책에 의해 구성되는 방식을 검토한다. 특히 이 글이 주목 하는 것은 혼종 결혼 정책 안에서 백인 가정의 일본인 입양아가 가지는 정체 성이 혼혈 일본계 미국인들과 온전히 일본계 혈통을 가진 일본계 미국인들을 구분하는 논리와 밀접한 연관을 가지고 있었다는 점이다.


I. 들어가며
 II. “모든 일본인 후손 (all persons of Japanese ancestry)”
 III. 혼종 결혼 정책 속의 혼혈 일본계 미국인과 일본계 입양아
 IV. 나가며


  • 권은혜 Kwon, Eun-hye. 한양대학교 비교역사문화연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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