


所有関係を表す両構文の比較分析 - 再帰構文と状態変化主主体の他動詞文を中心に-


On Semantic Difference between Sentences Express Relations of Possession - Comparison between 「saikikoubun」 and 「jyoutaihenkatadoushibun」

소유관계を표す량구문の비교분석 - 재귀구문と상태변화주주체の타동사문を중심に-

李尚原, 孫東周

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The most recent, the study the PROTTYPE's theory introduced has become active in connection with the study of verb. Also, in sentence of reflexive of this thesis, it has been tried so as to verify preceding part of intransitive voice and transitive vocie is situated in all its aspects. This paper made a comparative study of Jyotaihanka syu syutai, the main transitive sentence of Amano(1987) equivalent to the experienced person b transitive sentence of Inoue(1976). 3.1 In both sentences express possessive relation made an analysis about reciprocal and meaningful intimacy of Ga case Noun and O case Noun 3.2 Regarding subjective sentence when made a comparison about aspect of two sentences, it was discovered through direct and direct condition's conjugation take the same position as Be in possession of situation 3.3 concerning both sentences of aspect of the passive voice as a result of a compartive analysis it was showed that Hatarakikake passive voice of possession is reached regarding a extensive reflective sentence. Amano(1987) and Amano(2002) have denied that intransitive verb approach transitive verb about a reflexive sentence. That is reflexive sentence is effect from Ga case Noun goes back to the form of Ga case Noun which give rise to condition's conjugation itself, also in case of condition's conjugation, the main transitive sentence don't have movement and effect of Ga case Noun , finally be in possession of situation because of external effect. In conclusion, both sentences belong to transitive sentence morphologically, focus on condition's conjugation, are close to intransitive sentences, and main condition's conjugation, principal transitive sentence is going to deal with the weakest sentence step by step.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
  2.1 井上(1976)の「経験者bの他動詞文」
  2.2 天野(1987)の「状態変化主主体の他動詞文」
  2.3 孫(2005)の「再帰用法文」
 3. 所有関係を表す構文間の比較分析
  3.1 両構文におけるガ格名詞とヲ格名詞の意味的密接性
  3.2 多主格文において現れる両構文の様相
  3.3 多主格文において現れる使役態文の様相
  3.4 両構文における受動態文の様相
 4. おわりに


  • 李尚原 이상원. 釜慶大学校大学院
  • 孫東周 손동주. 釜慶大学校 日語日文学 部教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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