

문자와 여백 — 이청준 문학(1965~2008)에서 무엇을 어떻게 읽어 왔는가


Letters and Blank space — What and how we read in Lee Cheong-jun's literature (1965~2008)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



What and how we read in Lee Cheong-jun's literature (1965~2008)? This paper studies the tendency of literary research and dispute points on Lee Cheong-jun's literature in the following two aspects. One is to review the critical consciousness from his literature by reading the subject and method of literary research in the stream of times. The other is to expand questions and explanations of Lee Cheong-jun's literature, reviewing a few points of issue in the researches on his literature. As of 2012, the research achievement of Lee Cheong-jun's literature is quite great ranging from criticism, work explanation, academic papers, master and doctoral thesis, and book review to independent volumes. Of course, it is impossible to put or summarize all the achievement here, but this paper reviews the tendency of research on his literature from his debut work, Discharge from Hospital in 1965 to the present diachronically and arrange them by classifying into a few branches. To do so, the research direction or focus is divided into six branches for convenience; ‘Consciousness and the world’, ‘Technique and structure’, ‘The times and politics’, ‘Words and sounds’, ‘Legend and history’, and ‘Media and education’. This classification may generalize minute differences among issue points, but the division can help us understand the tendency and main flow in the research history of Lee Cheong-jun's literature. It is why this paper put the footnotes in chronologically, not alphabetically. Unfortunately, this paper set the question, ‘Why’ we read LeeCheong-jun's works aside and focused on ‘How and What we read in his works' Although this paper did not deal with the achievement of the research on his literature in detail, it is expected to be helpful to look over the development of the research and to understand what disputes have been in the research. If there follow more researches in the future and complementary definition of research history of his literature, we can deal with 'Why' we read his works and also give an answer to the question.


Ⅰ. 흐름과 쟁점
 Ⅱ. 의식과 세계
 Ⅲ. 기법과 구조
 Ⅳ. 시대와 정치
 Ⅴ. 말과 소리
 Ⅵ. 신화와 역사
 Ⅶ. 매체와 교육
 Ⅷ. 반성과 전망


  • 한순미 Han, Soon-Mi. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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