

[기획I] 저항적 지식인의 ‘민족’담론: 그 재현 전략과 한계

1960년대 <청맥> 지식인 집단의 탈식민 민족주의 담론과 문화전략


Discourse of Postcolonial Nationalism and Cultural Strategy by the Group of Cheongmaek Intellectuals in the 1960s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this article is to explain the reconstruction process of the nationalism discourse of the Cheongmaek intellectual group in the 1960s. The Cheongmaek intellectuals aimed to reconstruct the nationalism as a counter discourse by reconsidering the ‘coloniality.’ They thought the underlying causes of poverty and backwardness in Korea was caused by the neocolonial international order. They regarded the international relations at that time as the world historical turning points that the Third World was rising and the international order was multipolarizing.
They asserted that ‘reunification’ was historical task at a turning point in Korea The Cheongmaek intellectuals expanded the concept of ‘coloniality’ to cultural field by ‘cultural colony’ theory in mid-1966. They tried to build a new national culture by protecting their identity of ethnic culture and reconstructing korean history and tradition. As postcolonial cultural strategy for this purpose, they emphasized the construction of national knowledge and ‘Minjung’ as a new subject.
In the mid-1960s, the production of national knowledge by intellectuals means changes in discourse topography concerning nationalism. The intellectuals at this time tried to confirm the embryo of modernity and ‘Minjung’ as a new subject in Korean tradition and history. These results had reflected the academic achievement of intellectuals since the 1950s, and at the same time, mean that the radical nationalism appeared after the April 19 Movement had evolved into the stage of ‘Science’ beyond the stage of ‘movement’. Therefore, it shows that the discourse struggle concerning the nationalism will be developed in cultural field, specifically academic fields such as history, literature and philosophy.


이 글의 목적은 1960년대 청맥 지식인 집단의 ‘식민성’ 인식에 주목하여 이 시기 민족주의 담론의 재구성 과정을 해명하려는 것이다. 박정희 정권의 집 권 첫 해이자 한일회담 운동이 한창인 1964년 창간된 ≪청맥≫은 박정희 정 권에 대한 가장 비판적인 지식인 잡지였다는 점에서, 특히 통일혁명당(이하 통혁당)과 연계된 잡지였다는 점에서 주목받았다.≪청맥≫은 1960년대 지 식인 집단의 지형도에서 가장 급진적인 위치를 점했고, 그들의 민족주의 담론 역시 그러했다. 청맥 지식인 집단은 ‘식민성’에 대한 재인식을 통해 민족주의 담론을 급진화하면서 새로운 저항담론을 생산하려 하였다. 이 저항담론이 당 대의 맥락에서 가진 가능성과 한계를 살피는 것은 이 글의 또 다른 목적이다.


I. 머리말
 II. 1960년대 담론 지형과 ≪청맥≫의 민족주의
 III. 민족주의 담론의 급진화: ‘식민성’에 대한 재인식
 IV. 탈식민 민족주의 담론의 확장: ‘문화식민지론’
 V. 탈식민 문화전략: 민족적 지식의 구성과 ‘민중’의 발견
 VI. 맺음말


  • 이동헌 Lee, Dong-heon. 국사편찬위원회


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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