

민족의식과 이상적인 삶 - 한말 지리산권 시인 매천 황현의「우국시」를 중심으로


The national Consciousness and ideal Life - Focusing on a patriot poem Hwang Hyun's, a poet of the Jirisan region in the end of the Daehan Empire-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article is shown Hwang Hyun's national consciousness and ideal Life through his patriot poem. National consciousness say will or feelings that keep to their dignity and rights of ethnic to intend unity and progress of nations. The national consciousness is inseparable from the ideal life. However, Hwang Hyun exposed these national consciousness(the ideal Life) in the works, especially since 1905 until his decision to self-determination through a prominently. Of course, Hwang Hyun's national consciousness(the ideal Life) is not hidden in previous work. However, we should be note 1905 years that Eulsaneukyak tied. This time is going on loss of sovereignty by Japan's invasion. How is revealing Hwang Hyun his national consciousness(the ideal Life) in patriot poem of this period? It is revealed through mourning of Dead on behalf of the pain of people, and it is revealed through worship of Dead in the struggle for life. At this time his national consciousness(the ideal Life) is the will and emotions to escape from the threat, when some people threatened by any foreign nation. His National consciousness(the ideal Life) is will or love to overcome the crisis in times of national crisis. But this is a nationalism. Nevertheless Hwang Hyun's nationalism is the other nationalism that resist to threaten of another country.


Ⅰ. 시작하는 말
 Ⅱ. 민족의식 ‘과’ 이상적인 삶
 Ⅲ. 황현의 우국시에 나타난 민족의식과 이상적인 삶
 Ⅳ. 맺는 말


  • 문동규 Mun, Dong-Kyu. 순천대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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