


동아지중해 교류형 스토리텔링 시론 - 한국 고대설화를 중심으로


A study on the storytelling of interchange in East Asian Mediterranean




This study aims at analysis of story about the crossing the East Asian Mediterranean, making storytelling model and its adaptation to cultural industry as tourism and education. For the purpose, this treatise tries to analyze the five stories which have been delivered in Korea from ancient times. The five stories are those in which ‘Seo-Bok’, ‘Cheo-Yong’, ‘Heo Whang-Ok’, ‘Seok Tal-Hae’ and ‘Yon O-Rang and Se O-nyo’ are the hero and heroine. In those stories, the East Asian Mediterranean is described as such space to find for a herb of eternal youth, strange man and woman come out from far abroad, and mutual cultures had been interchanged. Especially the cultural interchange were accomplished for the purpose of not only one's search or development but also the other's revolution or prosperity. As the result of analysis and interpretation of them, this treatise got the opinion the five stories are the evidence of mutual interchange of Korea, China and Japan, and it is possible to make a route to tour around the East Asian Mediterranean, and to educate and learn the people residing in East Asia that strange persons and foreigners in each society must be welcomed as justifiable citizen.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론(1)
  1. ‘서복’ 스토리의 스토리텔링
  2. 처용, 허황옥, 석탈해 스토리의 스토리텔링
  3. ‘연오랑 세오녀’ 스토리의 스토리텔링
 Ⅲ. 본론(2)
  1. 해양관광 루트 설정
  2. 이문화에 대한 이해
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 김정하 Kim, Jung-Ha. 한국해양대 동아시아학과 교수


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