

베를렌 (Verlaine) 시의 단순성의 미학


The Aesthetics of Simplicity in Poems of Verlaine


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Paul Verlaine, one of the French poet of the symbolists movement, is popular for his simple and easily understandable writing style. However, people have found that his poems are not just simple but that both the poetic meaning and forms are harmonized perfectly. Verlaine, in fact, appreciated and pursued ‘the beautiful simplicity’ in his poetry, and made effort in writing to remove unnecessary elements and elaborate his style effectively. The seven poems in “Paysages tristes”, part of Verlaine’s first collection, Poèmes saturniens, shows the fundamental characteristics of his poetic style. These characteristics reveals the unity of verlaine’s written works and how these poems connect the emotion of ‘melancholy’ to ‘reminiscence.’ In addition, this connection is developed and revealed through the use of repetition. Repetition is the integral element of poems and a marvelous way to portray simplicity and musicality. The repetition of phoneme, vocabulary, phrase, and strophe influences the formality in Verlaine’s poems, and the repetition of similar vocabulary affects the final Signification of the Look. The paper analyzes the poems in three ways: the repetition of phoneme, the repetition of vocabulary, and the circular structure of repetition. Verlaine uses repetition not mechanically but delicately and fully. Repetition in Verlaine’s poems shows the matchless beauty of sophistication among the French poems.


1. 들어가며
 2. '아름다운 단순성'
 3. 반복의 양상
  1) 음소의 반복
  2) 단어 및 단어군의 반복
  3) 반복과 원형구조
 4. 나오며


  • 박혜정 Hae-Jung PARK. 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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