

Study on Aboveground Biomass of Pinus sylvesris var. mongolica Plantation Forest in Northeast China Based on Prediction Equations


Weiwei Jia, Lu Li, Fengri Li

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A total of 45 Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica trees from 9 plots in northeast China were destructively sampled to develop aboveground prediction equations for inventory application. Sampling plots covered a range of stand ages (12-47-years-old) and densities (450-3,840/ha). The distribution of aboveground biomass of whole-trees and tree component (stems, branches and leaves) of individual trees were studied and 4 equations were developed as functions of diameter at breast height (DBH), total height (HT). All the equations have good estimation effect with high prediction precision over 90%. Forest biomass was estimated based on the individual biomass prediction equations. It was found forest biomass of all organs increased with the increasing of stand age and density. And the period of 45-50 years was the suitable harvest time for Pinus sylvesris plantation.


 Materials and Methods
  Data collection
 Results and Discussion
  Equation validation
  Estimation of forest biomass


  • Weiwei Jia Forestry School
  • Lu Li Northeast Forestry University
  • Fengri Li Harbin 150040, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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