

전통문화 콘텐츠의 영화 스토리텔링 창작 교육 방안 -판소리 명창 콘텐츠의 시나리오 개발을 중심으로


A study on teaching method of Creative Writing for Film Storytelling of the Traditional Culture Contents - Focusing on scenario development of Pansori master singer contents


피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is based on studying about teaching method of creative writing for film storytelling of the traditional culture contents. Storytelling is the most important requisite as the basis of all culture contents. But education plan of culture contents have been bent for study of technology field, education method of storytelling was short of professional study. The development of traditional culture contents is popular as we called this time is development age of traditional culture contents. The value of traditional literature has made more remarkable in this time, that special qualities like contingency and fantastic transcendence, dreamlike of myth and legend, are conspicuous. Most of box office hit films are film, that developed traditional culture or history to contents. But there are few manpower, who can recreate traditional culture to fit for modern and medium, and professional script writer or storytellers. This study suggested education method of creative writing of film storytelling, when when we plan to develop Pansori master singer contents and film storytelling for the purpose of popularization of Pansori, that is listed as a intangible cultural inheritance by UNESCO in 2003. So, this paper explained education method of creative writing of film storytelling, using team project approach for group work of film, and Stanislavski's 'Magic if' method. 'Magic if' method is in fact effective in operation of team project as well as creative writing of film storytelling.


1. 전통문화 콘텐츠 개발 시대에 영화 스토리텔링 창작 교육
 2. ‘Magic if’를 활용한 영화 스토리텔링 창작 교육
 3. 영화 스토리텔링 창작 교육 방안: 판소리 명창 콘텐츠의 시나리오 개발을 중심으로
  1) 준비 단계
  2) 계획 단계
  3) 탐구 단계
  4) 표현 단계
  5) 발표 및 평가 단계
 4. 맺음말


  • 안숙현 Ahn, Suk-Hyeon. 단국대학교 강의조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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