

안도현 시 연구


The study of Ahn Dohyun poetry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As Ahn, Do-hyun won the prize with 「Nakdong River」in 1981 and with 「Jeon, Bong-jun Heading for Seoul」in 1984 , he officially began to write poems. Since the publication of his first collection of poems, 「Jeon, Bong-jun Heading for Seoul」, he has been actively writing, releasing poetry books and essay collections. Through his poems, he thinks highly of the existence of the nature and the worthiness of life, and embodies the organic relationship between the nature and human beings. He builds his world of poetry with his new language, discovering the meaning of love and lifeness from normal matters. This article focuses on investigating the meanings of his poems and poetic values based on the characteristics. His world of poems is approached especially on the center of secretions and excrement, dung in particular, which is main material. In his poems, dung is described as the product of sheer nature and is portrayed as the reality that contains philosophical meanings, not a dirty matter which is eliminated from the body. Dung has contrasting aspects, life and death and eating and defecating. Dung is a product of the nature which is formed, passing through the stomach and internal organs. Dung does not tell a lie as a product of the ature that cannot be operated by actions of civilization. Dung plays an important role in his poems, showing the way human beings are in harmony with the nature. Through this process, the meaning of love and lifeness is constructed in the poems. His poetic insight made literature results, keeping the balance of the nature and human beings and keeping the worthiness of life.


1. 서론
 2. 일상과 자연의 합일
 3. 인간과 자연의 조화와 상생
 4. 비움과 채움의 순환 구조
 5. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 문복희 Moon, Bok-hee. 가천대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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