

아동 청소년의 폭력범죄 현황 및 개선방안


The Present Condition of Child and Youth’s Crimes of Violence and Methods of Improvement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The elevation of Korean society has led gender ethics and morality to unable to grow. Also, the distortion of sex and hedonism’s impact are influencing even on child and youth which are degenerating them into sex and crime targets. All child and youth have fundamental rights to grow and be protected from safe and relaxed environment. However, in our nation, crimes are more committed within youth and child than adults, and thousands of youth and child are being victims of sex crimes. Moreover, the word ‘school violence’ is now getting used to us. Since when has schools become an unsafe place? Since long before, it has been publicly known that schools cannot be free from shadows of violence, but nowadays, school violence is a serious social problem and it’s magnitude is getting bigger and bigger. Furthermore, more attention is needed in order to prevent the school violence since it is not only becoming worse and inhumane, but also leading some of harmed and mentally damaged students to commit suicide. Even worse, it is being heard that students rank themselves in order with how skilled and better they are in fighting. The tendency of domestic youth and child crimes were up to 35% in 2009 which has been dramatically increased from 5% in 1999. According to the Human Development Report announced by the? UNDP, annually in Asia, 250,000 females,!!! youth and child are human trafficked for sex purpose and this scale of business is estimated up to 50~70 billion dollars a year. The youth and child crimes are shocking the modern society and causing serious problems in child education at the same time. The lack of punishment and education towards children which leads their guardians to commit crimes is repeating the vicious circle. Child sex crimes are modern-day slavery, in other words, because of forced slavery, child prostitution and child sex tour, fundamental rights of children’s safety and happiness are not being protected but worsening and increasing the crimes toward children. I believe that all forms of crime toward youth and child cannot be justified regardless of cultural, financial, and social backgrounds. On the ground of that, I insist that school violence and child sex crimes which are the birthplace of youth and child crimes should be recognized as social evil that needs to be morally and legally eradicated. Therefore, it is crucial to push ahead the law enforcement to prevent the occurrence of school violence and sex crimes. The purpose of this dissertation is to realize the seriousness of school violence and youth and child sex crimes, than improve and eradicate it.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 학교폭력과 아동청소년성범죄의 개념 및 상관관계
 Ⅲ. 국내 학교폭력과 아동청소년성범죄의 현황 및 문제점
 Ⅳ. 국외 학교폭력과 성범죄의 처벌 현황
 Ⅴ. 우리나라의 학교폭력과 아동성범죄를 위한 개선방안
 Ⅵ. 결론


  • 김용효 KIM YONG HYO. 한남대학교 법과대학, 교수/변호사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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