

Poster session II : Cultural characteristics and Cultivation

Optimization of mycelial growth of entomogenous fungi of the Genus Cordyceps


  • In-Pyo Hong Department of Sericulture and Entomology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A., Suwon 441-707, Korea
  • Sung-Hee Nam Department of Sericulture and Entomology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A., Suwon 441-707, Korea
  • I-Yeon Jung Department of Sericulture and Entomology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A., Suwon 441-707, Korea
  • Gyoo-Byung Sung Department of Sericulture and Entomology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A., Suwon 441-707, Korea
  • Hack-Woo Nam Department of Sericulture and Entomology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A., Suwon 441-707, Korea
  • Seok-Woo Kang Department of Sericulture and Entomology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, R.D.A., Suwon 441-707, Korea
  • Hyeon Hur Dept. of Applied Biology, Dongguk University
  • Min-Woong Lee Dept. of Applied Biology, Dongguk University
  • Shun-Xing Guo Institute of Medicinal Plant, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, P.R. China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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