

고등영어 교과서의 과업활동 텍스트 분석


Text Analysis of the Task-based Activities in High School English Textbooks


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the aspects of task-based activities in high school English textbooks for first year students in Korea. Based on the task evaluation criteria presented by Nunan(1989) and basic contents of the 7th English educational curriculum, six different qualitative categories of task-based activities were evaluated quantitatively. The results of the analysis show that the regulations of the 7th national English curriculum aimed at improving the students' communicative abilities were properly reflected in the materials of task-based activities of all textbooks. On the other hand, a few problems were found in some textbooks: a) too many individual tasks; b) out of proportion in presenting task types and themes; c) non-systematic introduction of language skills, etc. Based on these results some suggestions were made for developing future textbooks. However, since this study was carried out by only one observer, a more objective evaluation should be made by the teachers or students who have been using the textbooks through the use of detailed questionnaires.


  • 전인재 Jeon, In-Jae. 목포대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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