

상생적 다문화교육의 방법론 모색: 다종교시대의 이슬람을 중심으로


A Search of Methods for Multicultural Education of Reciprocal Living Coincidentia Oppositorum: In the Case of Islam in the Age of Multireligion.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Multicultural education aims to realize ‘Citizenship Education in a Global Age’ premised on the multicultural society. There is a criticism, however, that Korea is not to be considered a multicultural society since it does not constitute a multiethnic society in a strict sense. Accordingly, multicultural education cannot but be ideological as well since it borrows ideas and theories intactly from the West, whose situation is quite different from ours. Given the fact, however, that the Muslims are increasing, the assertion of Korea‘s multiculturalism being ideological is not appropriate. The Muslims come from a number of different countries and are yet too small in number to form an ethnic society. However, they are beginning to form a kind of cultural group, centering around the Islam. Accordingly, multicultural education needs to be rather more concrete and realistic beyond ideology. Multireligion has been of trivial issue since it has coexisted throughout our history. With Christianity introduced into Korea in modern times, there is no denying that there have existed exclusive conflicts between religions in terms of religious culture in Korea. This is not irrelevant to the exclusive attitude of our society toward the Muslim immigrants who were brought into Korea recently. This attitude is mainly due to both the Christian fundamentalism and Orientalism lurking in our heart. It is natural that tolerant coexistence be pursued so as to overcome this, but the problem is the method. Neither a specific religion's inclusivism nor relativism, which notes that both this and that may be right, serves as a solution. Here we need pluralistic attitude, through which we can alleviate conflicting situations dialectically and grope for ‘Horizontverschmelzung’ It will be made possible through multi-cultural education of coincidentia oppositorum, which is based on “dialogue of passing over and coming back.”


 1. 여는 글
  1.1 한국 다문화주의의 한계
  1.2. 무슬림을 위한 다문화교육의 몫
 2. 한국 다종교 사회의 차별적 구조
  2.1 사대적 차별
  2.2 배타적 차별
 3. 공존에서 상생으로 가는 길
  3.1 첫 번째 길: 공존을 위하여
  3.2 두 번째 길: 상생을 위하여
  3.3 세 번째 길: 대화를 위하여
 5. 닫는 글


  • 김중순 Kim, Tschung-Sun.. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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