

스페인어권 문학작품의 번역출간 및 번역작가 현황


Situation of the translation and publication in Korea of the books originally written in spanish and literary translators


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The book market in South Korea is glutted with translated books. However, compared to the amount of literary works written in English or Japanese, the literature written in spanish takes a relatively small percentage of the korean book market. According to experts, the surplus of translated works and the monopoly of major languages are mainly caused by publishing companies that pursue mass production and the lack of spanish using authors. However, the lack of competent translators is also a big reason. This thesis will investigate the problems by taking a glance at the publication of the translations originally written in Spanish and the market of book translators. To solve the problem of the emphasis on literature written in major languages and gain a virtuous circle, the accurate analysis of the current market situation and investigation of the problem are necessary. According to the current situation, the translation market has unlimited possibility. And to provide with quality translated works to this market, maintaining competent book translators who can pursue big amount of works consistently and responsibly is indispensable. The analysis of book translation and book translators market will take a step forward to convince the direction of the book translator education and the effort that those translators should make.


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 스페인어권 문학작품의 번역 출간 및 번역작가 현황 분석
  2.1. 번역 출간 현황 : 원 작가/ 출신국/ 시대 별
  2.2. 번역 작가 현황 : 일인당 작품 건수/ 직업/ 출발언어
 3. 스페인어권 문학번역의 컨텍스트적 문제
  3.1. 전문 번역 작가의 부재 문제
  3.2. 번역 작품 선정의 편중화 문제
 4. 나가는 말


  • 김수진 Kim, Su-jin. 한성대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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