


흑룡회의 독도 침탈 기도와 ‘양코도 발견’기록의 재검토


A Plot of Dokdo Pillage by Japanese Black Dragon Association and Review of the Record on 'Discovery of Yankodo'


전북사학회 전북사학 제41호 2012.10 pp.209-234
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



‘Discovery of Yankodo’ record as Japanese core material on Dokdo territory issue was written by Guzu Shuske(葛生修亮) the leader of Black Dragon Association. Before Guzu publish A Guide for Fishery on Korean Sea(韓海通漁指針), he contributed the same contents on Black Dragon 『Association Review』of Black Dragon and Geographic magazine. In the 『Review』, he described ‘Terra Nullius Island’ Yankodo was not Choseon territory but he described about the fact that Choseon shark fishers used the island continuously in A Guide for Fishery on Korea Sea. He attached a map 『A brief map on Choseon seashore』which describing Choseon territory including only Ulleundo, implying ‘Yankodo’ fishery belong to Japanese territory. Until present, Japan and Korea cite the record of ‘Discovery of Yankodo’ as important territory research. Koreans mention about the record contents which describing `On clear weather, it is seen from the top of Ulleungdo mountain and Japanese and Korea fishers call this island as Yanko', which means Korean emphasize the relationship of the two islands in the record ‘Dokdo is seen from Ulleungdo’. Japan insisted Yanko was not known to Choseon people and the island was first discovered by Japan emphasizing the record ‘Japanese and Korean fishers call this as Yanko’. And Japanese blamed the fact The Choseon Royal Decree No. 41 which mentioned about Seokdo as Dokdo ignored the Yanko name called by Choseon fishers. As those insistences, in spite of the importance of the record in the research, ‘Discovery of Yankodo’ has been translated self-centered manner by each side. It is quite regret to know both research attitudes because researchers forgot the basic direction which should grasp the problem and the characteristics of the record by emphasizing only the result of belongings of the island. As such, ‘Discovery of Yankodo’ insistence which was distorted by Black Dragon Association is still remains as heat territory issue between Japan and Korea.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 1900년대 양코도 발견과 거짓된 독도 정보
 Ⅲ. 흑룡회의 독도 정보 유출과 독도 침탈
 Ⅳ. ‘양코도 발견’을 증언한 상어잡이 어민
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김수희 Kim, Su-hee. 영남대학교 독도연구소 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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