


조선 세조대 여진인 來朝와 귀속문제


The envoy of the Jurchen and Belonging Questions during the King Sejo

조선 세조대 여진인 래조와 귀속문제


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Until now, Premodern East Asian international relations or order were known as Tributary Systems. Ethnic minorities rendered tribute to the Ming(明) Dynasty, Middle Kingdom(中華). This fact was basis of an argument which belonged to the Ming Dynasty. Particularly, the Jurchen rendered tribute to the Ming Dynasty. Their territory is known as the Northeastern 3 provinces(東北三省), now. According to this logic, this area was under the Ming's territory. But, the Chosun imposed a tribute on the Jurchen and there were many visit of foreign envoy during the King Sejo, especially. In this case, how should we interpret the Chinese statement? This paper studied the situation of the envoy grasped nature and situation and suggested a different interpretation of general envoys. When analyzed the time in year, we were able to know that the Chosun's stance or relation with the Jurchen reacted sensitively and the number of the envoy increased and decreased, too. On the ground of such case, It was possible that the Chosun not only followed the occurrence of events but controled the envoy, flexibility. From the point of view of the Jurchen, they had to adapt themselves to new circumstances. Through this, they obtained economic benefits and kept balance. Meanwhile, when analyzed the time in month, the envoy was concentrated on time between November and next February. Their envoy's rate was relatively high in November and December because the envoy wanted to attend dongji(冬至) or Zhengcho(正朝) ceremony. This event is the method that the Ming Dynasty controled Chosun, and Chosun dominated Jurchen, similarly. When analyzed the envoy in power, the rate of people in and around the Chosun's territory was high in November and December or next January and February. That is to say, the Jurchen in and around the Chosun's territory followed the control of Chosun. Like this, the Chosun controlled the Jurchen in the manner of the envoy. The national defense and the King Sejo's royal authority were stabilized. So these events were important things. In particular, the envoy's policy of the Jurchen lived in the Du-man River(豆滿江) is evidence which took the lead in international order in and around the Chosun. Therefore, the Chosun as well as the Ming Dynasty accepted the Jurchen's envoy. I believe it is the false opinion to think that the Jurchen's habitation belongs to the Ming's territory because of the envoy.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 조선의 여진 통제 양상
 Ⅲ. 내조 시기 통제를 통한 기미질서의 구축
 Ⅳ. 맺음말
 <별표 1> 세조대 내조 여진인 현황


  • 박정민 Park, Jung Min. 전북대학교 사학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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