

四夷館을 통해 본 명대 전기 사회의 혼종성


The Hybridity in Early Ming Society as Viewed through Siyiguan(四夷館)

사이관을 통해 본 명대 전기 사회의 혼종성


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to analyze the early Ming society viewed through siyiguan(四夷館), focusing on linguistic and cultural diversity. Generally, We know that Ming dynasty had the characteristics of the nation-state of the Han race, passive foreign exchanges, and tribute system etc. We also know that Ming dynasty had a strong tendency to eliminate the barbarian traits such as Mongolian cultures, thoughts, and language etc in the Yuan dynasty. I in this paper deal with linguistic and cultural circumstances mainly in 14-15th century China. I think that this problem has been overlooked because of above-mentioned general recognition and prejudice, though it was an important key to understand the early Ming society. Siyiguan(四夷館) was established in 1407 by the emperor Yong Le(永樂帝). It was a kind of educational institution to instruct ten national languages like Mogol, Persia, Tibet, India, uigur, Thailand, Myanmar etc. It was principally taken charge of translation and interpretation service for the government. It was established for the purpose of settleing down government-led tribute system instead of restraining civilian exchanges. At the same time it had the object of exterminating heterogeneous Mogolian culture and recovering the homogeneous Han race culture. It accomplished positive role and function to recover the Han race culture and value system during the 15th century, gradually declined since 16th century. It's instructors were engaged among foreign envoys to invite the emperor at the beginning, partly among students to finish the courses later on. Students were approximately one hundred, at first were selected from Imperial Academy(國子監). Later admission qualifications were degraded and expanded to the ordinary people. The educational system was roughly operated with a nine-year cycle. The main textbook was Huayiyiyu(華夷譯語) composed of zizi(雜字) and laiwen(來文). zizi(雜字) was a kind of wordbook, laiwen(來文) was bilingual-written memorials, with which envoys payed a tribute to the emperor. We can find that the early Ming society had the characteristics of the hybridity as viewed through siyiguan(四夷館). Because the cultural and social remnants of Yuan dynasty comprised of the multi-ethnic groups still had continued to influence the early Ming society. Especially Mongolic and Persian language were spread out over a wide area, had influence on Chinese language in terms of vocabulary and thoughts.


1. 머리말
 2. 四夷館의 설립 배경
 3. 四夷館의 교사⋅학생 선발과 교육 내용
 4. 명대 전기 언어와 문화의 혼종성
 5. 맺음말


  • 최형섭 Choi, Hyoung-seob. 서울대학교 중어중문학과 강사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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