

IT Managements and Services

IT Convergence Index and Measurement Design in the Manufacturing Industry


Yanghoon Kim, Hangbae Chang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, IT has raised a new issue called convergence with other technologies or industries, which is located in the centre of changes and innovation. In addition, as demands on IT convergence have rapidly increased in every industry, a method is required to produce an IT convergence index, which can systematically and comprehensively understand the real condition of IT convergence between various industries, including IT and the manufacturing industry, in order to compare it objectively. This paper examined and analysed precedent studies and some nation’s definitions of convergence to redefine IT convergence. Furthermore, an IT convergence index system was developed for objectively analysing the extent of IT convergence. The IT convergence index was analysed in detail for the automobile and shipbuilding industries.


  A. Concept of Convergence in Respective Countries
  B. Concept of Convergence in Respective Countries
  A. Methodology for Designing an IT Convergence Index and Its Target
  B. IT Framework to Develop the Convergence Index
  A. IT Design of the Convergence Index Survey
  B. IT Convergence Index by Industry


  • Yanghoon Kim Institute of Computer Software & Media Technology, Sangmyung University, Korea
  • Hangbae Chang Division of Business Administration, College of Business, Sangmyung University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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