

Computing and Communications

A Visualization Technique for Unit Testing and Static Checking with Caller–Callee Relationships


Yuko Muto, Kozo Okano, Shinji Kusumoto

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Software visualization techniques fall into two categories: visualization of software component relationships and visualization of software metrics. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid method based on both categories. The proposed method visualizes the coincidence between specification and implementation from two aspects: static checking and ordinal testing by test suites. In our method, each ratio of the coincidence is shown by pie charts which represent classes of the target software. The whole software is represented in a weighted digraph structure. We have prototyped a tool to implement our proposed method. We have evaluated the utility of the proposed method by applying the tool to two kinds of software: a warehouse management program and a telephone directory management program. We conclude that the proposed method yields informative results.


  A. Visualization
  B. Combining Unit Testing and Static Cheking
  A. Unit Testing
  B. Static Checking
  A. Overview
  B. Definition of Passage Rate Metrics
  C. Definition of the Caller–Callee Relation
  A. Input
  B. XML documents
  C. Views
  A. The Evaluation Approach
  B. Warehouse Management Program
  C. Personal Telephone Directory
  D. Results
  E. Discussion
  F. Threats to Validity
  A. Passage Rate Metrics


  • Yuko Muto Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,Osaka University, Suita, Japan
  • Kozo Okano Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,Osaka University, Suita, Japan
  • Shinji Kusumoto Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,Osaka University, Suita, Japan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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