

Consumer Electronics

Performance Evaluation of Convergence Ad Hoc Networks


Surasee Prahmkaew

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, Policing Traffic Management (PTM) is applied to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) over an Inter- Vehicular Communications System (IVCS). In Bangkok, Thailand’s capital city, there is a convergence of networks such as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), FleetNET, CARNET, BTSNET and other electronic devices. Each network has unique data traffic characteristics. In MANET, most of the traffic comprises of video and voice traffic, BTSNET traffic is data, while CARNET contains both data and video traffic and FleetNET traffic focusses on voice and data. BTSNET can be implemented as regular traffic patterns in order to assist other networks to support traffic delivery by employing these intermediate nodes. However, some particular nodes are congested and the number of packet-drops is rising. This will apparently degrade the QoS of multimedia traffic. The proposed algorithm, PTM, is an extension of the Adaptive Rate Control algorithm (ARC) which mainly improves the QoS performance by adjusting transmission rates based upon traffic priority. Voice will be set as highest, video as medium and data as the lowest priority. The numbers of packet-drop, traffic rate and mean delay time will be collected. The proposed PTM will hold some dropped packets to further retransmit based upon the prearranged priority. NS2 and EZsim Simulations are utilised under both normal and congested situations. Results are outperformed when compared to previous research which is exclusive of the policing scheme.


  A. Input traffic
  B. Characteristics of Queuing Network Model


  • Surasee Prahmkaew Advanced Communications and Multimedia Research LAB, Telecommunications Science dept., Science & Technology, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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