Baek Yong-sung was the central figure in modern Korean Buddhism. Hereupon his intention, his contributions and his thoughts are in the category of the Korean Buddhist history. But something no failure to notice in studying on Venerable Baek Yong-sung will be his heritage sites where his footprints and his body odors are held. The house of his birth, the places of his practice, temples where he developed the racial movement and the places where Seon-Agricultural Buddhism was realized etc. are all such object places. In brief I insist on having the matter of Yong-sung's heritage sites as object of study. So far Baek Yong-sung's heritage sites are being restored and manage by centering around for Baek Yong-sung's disciples and temples concerned. One of the representative objects as such are the house site of his birth where Yong-sung was born and grown up and Hwagwawon where Seon-Agricultural Buddhism was realized. The present time Juknim Vihara(temple) has been erected at the house site of his birth where is located at Jangsu county in Cheolla North province and also Yong-sung's memorial hall, Yong-sung's pavilion etc. are constructed, are playing role for education function. However hereupon there was Venerable Yim Do-mun's contributional efforts what he is regard himself as messenger of Baek Yong-sung's thoughts. It was possible because of having his bitter struggles and his efforts. Namely Patriarch Baek Yong-sung's Supporters Association for Realization of his Teachings what Venerable Yim Do-mun organized, devotees who follows Venerable Yim Do-mun, the local dwellers, civil service and korean Government's supports etc. are united. Working expenses over ten billions could be supplied because there was such harmony and unity. Such panning and project will be a case of useful references for this kind of project afterwards. The following case is Hwagwawon in Hamyang county in Gyeonsang Southern province. Rebuilding project of Hwagwawon has started after the nineteen eightieth by Baek Yong-sung's disciples. The object land owned by was managed by Daegak Foundation before. Recently Hwagwawon Rebuilding Project produces visual results, but it has not sublimed yet as normal work. The reason that first of all because of lack of finances by the main body promoting the project can be made subject of discussion. But there was concern disharmony among the main promoting body(Daegak Foundation and Baek Yong-sung's disciples), the local dwellers and local organizations. This kind of concern should be overcome afterwards. With reference to cases such as Juknim Vihara and Hwagwawon, Rebuilding Project of Dosol Hermitage in Bogwang Temple at Paju county in Gyeonggi province should be promoted normally. The promoting planning of Bogwang Temple level in the planning of Rebuilding Project of Dosol Hermitage should be formed for the time being generalizing cultural, temple restoring projects and precedents of Baek Yong-sung's heritage sites. And even up to various spheres of software not staying hardware project of simple mending and reestablishment of buildings, the plan should be examined at the same time at the level of the planning steps. There should be kept that the plan should not promote without discussing the plan with local public governments and local dwellers at the same time the plan befitting the time for the local governments in mind. Baek Yong-sung attained enlightenment the first and the second time at Dosol Hermitage in Bogwang Temple. The contents of practices were power of reciting true words and mediation of concentrating word head. Hereupon Bogwang Temple seems to be good in phases in solving present problems what Bogwang Temple has in doing such history basically.
백용성은 근대불교의 중심인물이었다. 이에 그의 행적, 사상은 불교사 범주에 있다. 그러나 백용성 연구에서 간과하지 못할 대상은 그의 유적 지일 것이다. 지금껏 이러한 백용성 유적지에 대해서는 백용성 문도 및 관련 사찰이 유적지를 관리하였다. 이러한 곳의 대표적인 대상이 용성의 생가터와 선 농불교를 구현한 화과원이다. 전북 장수군에 위치한 생가터에는 죽림정 사라는 사찰이 건립되었고, 용성기념관이 건립되었다. 여기에는 백용성 사상 계승자인 임도문스님의 헌신적인 노력이 있었다. 즉 임도문이 조직 화 한 백용성조사유훈실현후원회, 임도문을 따르는 신도, 그 지역 주민, 공무원, 국가기관의 지원 등이 합일되었다. 이런 조화, 결속이 있었기에 100억원이 넘는 사업비를 조달할 수 있다. 함양의 화과원은 대각회에서 단순 관리하다가, 1980년대 이후 문도들 에 의해서 재건사업이 시작되었다. 최근에는 가시적인 성과를 내고 있으 나 정상적으로 승화되지 못하였다. 사업이 그렇게 된 것은 사업 추진 주 체의 재원의 부족이 거론될 수 있다. 그러나 거기에는 추진 주체, 지방 주민, 지방 기관이 사업 추진에 대한 원만치 못한 이해가 있었다. 이러한 죽림정사, 화과원 사례를 참고하여 보광사의 도솔암 재건 사업 은 문화, 사찰 재건업, 백용성 유적지 복원이라는 관점에서 추진되야 한 다. 동시에 그 지방의 공공기관, 주민들과 상의해야 한다. 보광사 도솔암 에서 백용성은 1차, 2차의 깨달음을 하였는데, 그 내용은 주력수행과 참 선 수행이었다. 이에 보광사는 이런 역사를 기본으로 하면서도, 보광사가 갖고 있는 현실의 문제점을 해소시킬 수 있는 방면으로 사업을 기획해야 한다.
Ⅱ. 용성 유적지 복원의 사례
1. 죽림정사의 복원
2. 화과원 복원 불사
Ⅲ. 도솔암의 복원, 미래 지향적 운영
Ⅳ. 결어