

特輯論文 [ I ]

삼취정계의 형성과 자서수계


Formation of three comprehensive precepts and self ordination

원영, 채인환

대각사상연구원 대각사상 제10집 2007.12 pp.45-79
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research study focuses on the organization background of self ordination which appears in the formation process of three comprehensive precepts. There is a clear depiction of Mahayana Buddhist’s preparation for the bodhisattva precepts in the formation process of three comprehensive precepts. Especially, we could observe various conflicts on the establishment of the basicperception of the three comprehensive precepts. The self ordination would probably be a good solution for the conflicts. The self ordination is one form of Mahayana Buddhism’s ordination ceremonies which would be allowed under the circumstances when there is no master near-by. The proposition about the absence of master near-by represents the Buddhism realm at that time when there were not many masters who conversed into the Mahayana Buddhism. Therefore, self ordination by his own will was allowed without having an other person to give an ordination at that time. Susang ordination requires this type of self ordination, and hence it has an important meaning in the inheritance of the Korean Buddhism precept lineage. We should give more regards with respectto the self ordination since it tried to carry on the Buddhism precept lineage which faced the crisis of ceasing to exist by setting up an autonomous vow at his own will without a presence of master.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 삼취정계의 형성과정
 Ⅲ. 자서수계의 성립과 확산
 Ⅳ. 자서수계가 불교계에 미친 영향
 Ⅴ. 결론
 「삼취정계의 형성과 자서수계」에 대한 논평


  • 원영 Im, Won-young. 일본 하나조노대학 대학원 박사후기과정.
  • 채인환 경국사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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