


항일 측면에서 본 불교음악운동


The Development of Korean Buddhist Music under Japan's Colonization




It is a worthy of note that the Korean Buddhist Communities have tried to engage in resistance movement under the Japan's imperial colony, and also we need to pay attention to the trace of development of Korean Buddhist Music under such difficult conditions. Despites of this important development, the study of Buddhist Music movement in relation to the anti-Japanese resistance movement by Korean Buddhist Communities has not been developed in Korea. In this study, I would like to examine the characteristics of the Korean Buddhist Music formed and promoted during the Japan's colonial period in relation to the anti-Japanese resistance movement. Since the open port of 1897, the Korean societies have suffered a religious aspect of invasion by Japan's Buddhist Communities supported by Japan's colonial policy, and after that a second intolerable political and military invasions attacked the Korean societies. When the Japan annexed Korea in 1910, Japan's Government has employed a Buddhist policy such as "Temple Ordinance" and tried to boost the penetration of Japanese type of Buddhism into Korean Societies. But, Korean Buddhist Communities have tried to resist and fight against this colonial policy through the development of the Temple Ordinance abolition movement, Korean traditional Buddhism protection movement, and independence movement etc. Among these movements, we need to pay attention to the Buddhist Music movement based on the anti-Japanese spirit and Buddhism reform thinking. Especially, this kind of anti-Japanese movement has been developed in "myonnzin" school that is the first educational institute in Korea. This school encouraged the singing of patriotic song and contributed to the promotion of anti-Japanese song movement. Also, anti-Japanese Buddhist Music movement have been developed by Buddhist monks such as Kwon Sangro, Cho Hakuyu, Baek Yongseong, An Jinho etc. who have actively attended the anti-Japanese movement and Buddhism reform movement. They tried to promote the Buddhist Chant written by Hangul in order to resist against the Japan's imperial policy crossing the Korean alphabet. And, they tried to promote the traditional Buddhist Ritual music such as 'Hwacheong' and tried to compose and promote the three time type Buddhist Music appealing to the Korean peoples' sentiments in order to keep the succession of the traditional Korean national culture. Regarding these kinds of Korean Buddhist reform movements developed under the Japan's imperial colonial days, we can evaluate the contributions that these anti-Japanese resistance movements have led to the Korean traditional Buddhism protection movement, and also these anti-Japanese movements have closely related to the protection movement of traditional Buddhist Music. I do believe these movements have been derived from the Korean traditional spirit to respect self-determination towards the future development.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 일제의 불교침투와 식민불교정책(사찰령)
 Ⅲ. 불교개혁승려들의 사회적 대응
 Ⅳ. 불교계 항일음악운동의 형성과 음악적 대응
 Ⅴ. 나오는 말


  • 이미향 Lee, Mi-hyang. 일본 용곡대학교 불교문화연구소 연구원.


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