


惡見주장자에 대한 불교승단의 입장(1) - ‘惡見違諫戒’와 ‘不捨惡見거죄갈마’를 중심으로 -


A Stance of Buddhist Saṃgha on the Claimer of False Opinion (1)

악견주장자에 대한 불교승단의 입장(1) - ‘악견위간계’와 ‘부사악견거죄갈마’를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is to consider how Buddhist Saṃgha cope with the troublesome bhikkhu, or the claimer of false opinion, focusing on the ‘rule for being made to give up false opinion’ and the ‘kamma for being made to give up false opinion (pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā appaṭinissagge ukkhepaniyakamma)’. As a result of this study, we know that Buddhist saṃgha is try to settle a dispute through dhamma-saṃghakamma, or “a lawful council of saṃgha”. At this council, saṃgha attempts advices of the three times toward the claimer of false opinion. Notwithstanding this advices, if the claimer will adheres to the false opinion, he is punished with asaṃbhoga from saṃgha. He cannot any longer equally to enjoy āmisasaṃbhoga and dhammasaṃbhoga with the Bhikkhus of saṃgha. Moreover, he is under control of the eighteen restrictions such as the prohibitions on imparting the full ordination and guidance, taking charge of a sāmaṇera and admonishing the bhikkhunīs. Buddhist saṃgha requires repentance through saṃghakamma from the claimer of false opinion, and if this advice is not accepted, saṃgha imposes powerful punishment on him. If he wants to return to saṃgha, he needs to give up his opinion. And, if he informs to saṃgha his own will that give up the false opinion, he can return to saṃgha through saṃghakammma.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 악견위간계
  1. 악견위간계의 간고 과정
  2. 화합 승단에 의한 간고
  3. 바일제 적용의 의미
 Ⅲ. 不捨惡見거죄갈마
  1. 불사악견거죄갈마
  2. 불사악견거죄갈마와 악견위간계의 관계
 Ⅳ. 불공수(不共受, asaṃbhoga)와 18사
  1. 불공수의 의미
  2. 18사
 Ⅴ. 出罪와 복귀
 Ⅵ. 결론


  • 이자랑 Lee, Ja-rang. 동국대 인도철학과 강사, 전자불전연구소 연구원.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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